
I'm embracing my inner wizard

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Punching PETA square in the face

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Oil and Water

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No, I'm not from around here. Why do you ask?

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Three Amigos

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Emo kid is sad. Would you like to read his poetry?

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Germicidal Maniac

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Prwbed alien

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Vampire popsicle

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Mass raindrop death

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Angel punching devil

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Arr! I'm a pirate

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No problem, buddy

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I sleep on a bed made of sparkles and clouds

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Fruit Murder

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Sad monkey is down on his luck

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Me > you

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Apples and Oranges

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Do you like my dunce hat?

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Very Serious Clown has a great love for the collected works of Tolstoy

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Today is sad monkey's first day on the job with the bomb squad.

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Insulted Dwarf Star

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I was slain by an orc lord with a vorpal sword.

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Patchy Beard

Patchy Beard

Like so many, this poor stick guy can only grow a patchy beard. How sad.

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Sad Monkey Lost His Crayons

Sad Monkey Lost His Crayons

The first appearance of Sad Monkey! Here, poor Sad Monkey has lost his crayons. What a tragedy...

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Bad Rodeo Clown

Bad Rodeo Clown

Talking to a rodeo clown like a bad dog just somehow seems right. Doesn't it? Or is that just me? Ok, probably just me. Actually I don't even think that way. It just struck me funny, somehow.

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Busted Hot Dog

Another favorite of mine... a cannibalistic hot dog eating a hot dog... good stuff. And of course, eating it correctly... with mustard!

The posts are coming slow, and that is unintentional, but not a bad thing, because when the old ones are all posted, the new ones won't be coming every day or anything. So... anyway, enjoy them as they come!

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It's Not Gold

It's Not Gold

Another new addition, and one of my favorites - there's a pot at the end of this rainbow, but what's in it probably doesn't share a value with gold...

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My Work Here is Done

One of my all time favorites! Inspired by an offhand joke by my brother about riding a moped or scooter wearing a cape and goggles... I think the viking horns was my own addition but I don't exactly remember. Anyway, a favorite of others as well, so I've been told.

Are you following @sketchiesunivrs yet on Twitter? Well then, get on it!

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Shirt of Me!

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You're Hot stars

Still going! Slow, but steady. Doing lots of updating to all of the sites related to Wearable Wares, and it's taking up a lot of time.

Please, help spread the word! If you think you know somebody who would enjoy this, please send it their way! Thanks in advance!

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Life is Good! Black Hole

Life is Good! Black Hole

Still goin', folks, nowhere near the present. I'm trying to upload these as I can, but trying to avoid more than one a day. I'm getting very little traffic... please spread word!


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Gassy Star

Gassy Star

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Do you like my viking hat?

Do you like my viking hat?

I feel this one is most appropriate after having run the Warrior Dash yesterday. Hooray for horned viking helmets! Best. Hat. Ever.

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Do you like my top hat?

Do you like my top hat?

Missed yesterday, but onward we go. Remember, all the existing comics that haven't been posted yet can be previewed at the link in the bottom of the side bar in the shop! More to come, more to come!

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i have a beard

so... i'm finally beginning it! the Sketchies Universe as a comic begins now... i'll be posting the images that already exist one by one as i get the chance.

DON'T FORGET! if you ever wanna buy the comic on something like a t-shirt, click the image. but even if you don't, send the site to people! get this going!

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